Becoming a mom is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Not only was I nervous about taking care of this tiny precious human, but I had to really focus on my health and healing after having an unplanned c-section and not being about to workout at all during my 'high-risk' pregnancy.
From my experience and chatting with other moms, it was pretty clear that moms health and wellness was not a priority. Everyone is so focused on the baby (which I understand why they are) but frankly it's really hard to function as a human when your needs are not being met. Whether it's the lack of sleep, the inability to move without pain, the challenge of eating healthy, the learning curve that comes with becoming a parent (breastfeeding or bottle feeds, diaper checks, bathing them, supporting them, new routines etc) there is a lot to take on in a short amount of time. I heard this from many people before I even had my son, and their comments of 'say goodbye to your hobbies', 'welcome to the shit show', 'parenting is hard', 'mom life will consume you!' They all pretty much hinted at the fact that you are no longer able to be yourself once you have a baby, you will lose your hobbies, identity, body etc. So I was aware of this and going to make it my goal to not allow that to happen! How did I go about my postpartum healing journey? I made my health and wellness a priority. Yes, I still took care of my son and his needs, but I also took care of me! I asked for help when I needed it. I set boundaries. I made sure I ate healthy foods, got outside, moved as much as my body would allow in a pain free range. I scheduled time for me, whether it was to go to yoga, play hockey, take a bath, go for a walk or do a workout alone. I made sure I had something for me every day! And just so you know, that is not selfish! Want to know why? Because if you aren't doing things that 'fill your cup', you won't be able to effectively help anyone else, including your baby or partner. So start putting your needs in a higher priority and see the amazing changes that can happen! I am living proof that it can work!
I would love it if other moms started to put their health first! Because if you don't you will end up feeling exhausted, angry, resentful, stressed etc. If you need help starting a simple exercise routine, building healthy meals, learning how to sleep effectively or being more positive & connected, please reach out to me! I love working with moms on implementing easy daily habits so you can feel energized, happy, confident and strong!