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4 Exercises That Often Get Overlooked for Longevity!


By: Kerri Brown, Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition, Sleep & Mindset Coach Are you doing the same old workout routine each month? Did you know that changing your routine every 4-6 weeks is necessary to seeing great results. Check out the 4 exercises below and see if you can add them into your routines to help you live a long, strong and healthy life!

  1. Skipping: this simple looking exercise is amazing for your body. It can help you work on cardio, impact and your pelvic floor. Once you conquer the basic skipping, you can try double unders or tricks.

  2. Stairs: taking the stairs is a get way to improve your leg strength, glutes and core and balance. You can try intervals or two steps at a time to help ramp up the difficulty.

  3. Offset Exercises: Using a dumbbell or kettlebell on one side of a compound movement, such as single leg deadlift, split squats, single arm landmine press etc are a great way to challenge your body in stability while building strength.

  4. Push or Pull Heavy Sled: moving heavy objects is great for living a long and strong life! You can start light and build up the weight and try variations like TRX side steps, fireman pull and upper body push.

If you want help with your workouts, hiring a trainer is a great option. 1:1 training can help with building your exercise foundation, reaching new goals and enjoying the process. You could train virtually or in person with me a Certified Personal Trainer who specializes in Pregnancy and Postpartum exercises. Check out all my options here.

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