It can be frustrating to see and hear certain things within the weight loss industry, especially when they are blasted all over social media. Things like: "take this supplement to lose weight", "do these 5 moves daily to drop 50lbs", "eat these foods to burn fat". I am sure you can think of a bunch of these 'catchy' headlines that make people believe that all they need to do is X and they will get to Y. The biggest and maybe oldest saying one out there is, "move more and eat less". Well guess what? That is a lie! That is such a simplified statement that does NOT work for most adults, especially women as we have hormone cycles to factor in as well. So what is true? Your body is complex and you need to work on a holistic approach in order to see results and have them last long term. What's included in a holistic approach?
Community/Social Support
Stress Management
If you only focus on one or two things and never branch out to the other ones, you will plateau, be frustrated and revert back to old unhealthy habits. All of the 6 areas above interact with each other and can help boost results. You won't work directly on all 6 at once, but build upon each section over time to see results. So if you work on exercise first, you will see an improvement in your fitness levels and mood since exercise releases hormones to make you happy! If you also work on your overall mindset along with exercise your results can be 10x! Then you work on adding proper eating habits and hydration, which will increase your results in the gym and mindset because they are tied together. Once those are running smoothly you can focus on sleep habits. Sleep is a huge factor in how your body holds body fat, builds muscle, processes stress and so much more. If you find a strong support system for your healthy lifestyle changes, such as a coach, fitness group or friends, they can help you stay committed and on track with all your healthy changes. See where I am going here? You can see in the image below how your overall deep health (6 main areas) impact your goal the same way your skills and habits within exercise, nutrition, stress, sleep etc. So if you want the best long lasting results, it's so much more than just eat less and move more. The equation is complex and can be impacted by so many things. That's why it's important to work with a certified coach when starting out so you can get on the right path for your specific goals.
If you want more information on anything above you can email me at
You can also book a Free 15min Call with me to see how I could help coach you to your goals. Just click the button below to find a time that works for you!